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Excel to CSV

This small utility can convert Excel files (all versions) to CSV files without Microsoft Excel installed.

Main form


Explanation of the buttons

Excel Select an Excel file
CSV Select the converted file. If the file already exists, the program will delete it
Load Load the content of the Excel file into the grid
Save Save the content of the grid to a CSV file
Configuration Access to the configuration dialog
Batch Setup batch processing
About Show version informations and update of the program
Close Quit the program


Set up the options for the conversion

Import formats
Import formats
Post Import
 Post import
CSV options
CSV options

With the Save button, export the configuration to a file. This file is used for batch processing. The Load button allow you to load a previous saved configuration. Use the Reset to revert to the default parameters.


Configure a batch processing

Source Destination
Configuration Execute

To start a batch conversion in command line, just launch the program with the full path of the Batch Configuration file created with this screen (*.BatchXl2Csv) like :

"c:\Program Files (x86)\\MSOfficeTools\ledXL2CSV.exe" d:\Conversions\FullConvert.BatchXl2Csv
Use “ only when you have spaces into the path of the file.


Show informations about this program, and allow you to update to the latest version available.



  • 2.8 (29.12.2017)
    • Compiled with the latest Delphi and libraries version
    • Updated the About box
  • 2.7 (10.10.2017)
    • Corrected a bug for % interpretation
  • 2.6 (05.10.2017)
    • Added a log file (only for batch conversion)
  • 2.5 (02.10.2017)
    • Software can now manage multiple sheets of an Excel file
    • All import parameters have changed, more flexibility added
  • 2.4 (12.09.2017)
    • Added a [Load] button in the configuration dialog
    • Corrected update process
  • 2.3 (11.09.2017)
    • Redesign the Configuration dialog
    • Added options to remove blank lines and blank columns
  • 2.2 (08.09.2017)
    • Apply configuration when closing config. window
    • By default ignore hidden files in batch mode
    • More options for the fields separator
  • 2.1 (04.09.2017)
    • Added an EULA dialog
    • Corrected loading of parameters for batch processing
    • Corrected “Select directory” on the batch window
  • 2.0 (03.09.2017)
    • Totally new version
    • Support batch conversion


You can download the last version of the installer here: ledXL2CSVsetup.exe

You can find the laste version of the executable (without installer) here:

This program is a freeware. User it at your own risks !

Don't forget to read the END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.


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start/utils/office/xl2csv.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/30 22:01 by admin_wiki