Table of Contents
Traductions d'un programme et tout ce qui va avec
Goto -> Translation
Pour tous les objets du dictionnaire.
- Database Tables
- Views
- Structures
- Data Elements
- Domains
Fonctionne également pour les éléments de texte des classes et programmes
- Pour la Documentation, Groupe de fonctions & BD Logique
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Long Texts → L5 F1 Help → RE Reports, Function Groups, Logical Databases
- Saisir le nom de l'objet
- Edit → Copy Source Text
- Editer la doc
- Cliquer sur [Save Active]
- Pour la documentation des messages dans les classes
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Long Texts → L5 F1 Help → NA Messages
- Les Packages
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Short Texts → S6 Technical Short Texts → DEVC Packages
- Les objets des Classes (méthodes, attributs, …)
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Short Texts → S6 Technical Short Texts → CLAS Classes
- Les transactions
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Short Texts → S3 ABAP Texts → TRAN Transactions
- Les formulaires
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Other Long Texts → FS Forms and Styles → FORM Forms
- Les rôles
- SE63 → Translation → ABAP Objects → Short Texts → S3 ABAP Texts → ACGR Roles
Transport de traductions
Pour info, il existe un programme qui génère des ordres de copie qui contiennent les traductions (rubrique BC-DOC-TTL de la doc en ligne) :
- Call transaction SE38 to execute program RS_LXE_RECORD_TORDER directly (by choosing F8). The LXE – Collect Translations in Transport Request screen is displayed.
- In the Target Language field, enter the two-character ID of the target language for which you want to perform transport recording.
- If you want to use a transport request that has already been created, use the input help function to select it.
- If you want the system to generate a transport request, choose Create Request Automatically. The system displays radio buttons for the transport type. Select Transport of Copies or Workbench Request.
- The Object Type field enables you to enter one object type, several object types, or a range of object types to be included in the transport request. If you leave these fields blank, the translations of all object types are recorded in the transport request.
- In the Editing Period field, enter the date range of the translations you want to collect in the transport request. If you leave these fields blank, translations are recorded irrespective of the date on which they were saved.
- In the Object Processor fields, enter the translator or translators whose translations need to be recorded. If you leave these fields blank, the translations of all translators are recorded in the transport request.
- Enter the packages whose translations need to be transported. If you leave these fields blank, all packages are transported.
- If you want to transport translations that belong to a specific component, make the appropriate entries in the corresponding fields. Otherwise, leave them blank.
- If you want to execute the request immediately and just once, choose Program ® Execute in Background and schedule the job for immediate execution. If you want to perform transports regularly using the same parameters each time, schedule the job for periodic execution.
Le principe est le suivant :
- il faut d’abord créer un ordre de copie par un des boutons dispo dans ce programme
- puis collecter les objets traduits pour un type objet / user dans cet ordre.
start/tips/sap/traduc.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/28 10:52 by stephane